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21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe About Sex by Jennifer Strickland with a GIVEAWAY - ENDED


21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe about Sex uncovers the most believed untruths girls have about dating and sex. With honest, straight-forward language Christian author Jennifer Strickland shares the myths, the truths, and the practical ways you can enjoy the pursuit of passion and purity.

Available on Amazon and other retailers in paperback or ebook

Jennifer StricklandAbout the Author:
Jennifer is a grateful wife to her best friend, Shane, who she affectionately calls "the Cowboy." Their daughter, Olivia, is fourteen; son Zach is thirteen; and little Samuel is five. From her upstairs home office or ranch's scenic back porch, Jen loves to curl up with a cup of coffee, journal, and Bible -- the three ingredients to her inspirational messages on faith, beauty, and the ways God gives us a life of More.

As a speaker, Jen draws upon her life as a former professional model to help women and girls find their beauty, value, and purpose. Unveiling the lies of the media about women's worth, Jen deposits true value in her listeners' hearts. She speaks on college, high school, and junior high campuses (public and private); at recovery centers, women's prisons, sororities, and at womens' and girls' events. She is also speaks at writer's conferences and to women in leadership.
Jen has written seven books and Bible studies since 2008, and her latest work, 21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe About Sex, explores the topic of sexual integrity, helping women be set free from shame and embrace a healthy design for sex in the freedom of marriage. Her life's message is on idenity, worth, and purpose.

For a window into her heart, check out Jen's Journal, her weekly notes of inspiration from her blog at www.urmore/blog. To see all her books and resources, click here: To reach out to Jen personally, email her at

My Take:
Sex.. That highly taboo topic in some places, spoken of quite frivolously in others. The one some Christians don't talk about enough and that world talks about too much. You know the theme most of us  tend to shy away from. 
Jennifer does not. She addresses it head on. This book contains myths (an unproved or false collective belief) that girls tend to believe and live by such as guilt, fear, feelings of worthlessness. And the counterpoint to that myth - truth from the Word of God. 
This book pretty much covers it all - abortions, premarital sex, promiscuity, STD's, as well as, love, kindness, feelings... There is really more than I could list here with out taking up a lot of space. Jennifer identifies by using stories of women who have been through the situations themselves, including her own. She explains how much God loves us and His plan for great sex, within the context He created it for. 

This book is ideally for older girls, but mothers may want to use it as a learning tool. Teenagers would benefit from reading this book especially if they are exposed to a great deal of culture and peer pressure. If your young girl has been sheltered a bit more, you may want to wait til she is a little older. But many young teens now days need to hear what Jennifer has to share. You may not agree with everything that Jennifer has to say, but there is certainly a lot to glean from this book. I would encourage you to read it, and share it with those you know.

I was blessed with this book courtesy of Barbour Publishing in exchange for my honest opinion. I am not required to write a positive review.

To enter please leave a comment including your email in safe format using "at" and "dot".
What are your concerns for young girls in this day and age? Do you consider pre-marital sex ok or not?
Winner will be chosen July 14th and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Publisher will send book via US mail. Seasons of Opportunities is not responsible for prize delivery. 
Must be 18 or older to enter drawing. 


  1. I am concerned about disease spread & the damage it can do to women. Thank you for the chance to win. mkw70 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Meghan, Thank you for entering. That is a great issue to be concerned about especially since many of these diseases are something they will suffer from lifelong.

  2. I am concerned that we don't talk enough to them. I chose to wait when I was first married and hope others do as well.
    megan tilley
    countrycamogirl89 at yahoo dot com

    1. How true! It is such an awkward subject, and difficult to determine what age is the best to start talking about it without waiting until it is too late.

  3. I am concerned that young girls(and boys) are too casual about sex. I don't believe in premarital sex and I hope my youngest daughter chooses to wait until she is married. My oldest did not but it was with the man she married.

    1. My oldest just married this year, and I am thankful that she waited. But I know in today's society that is not the norm. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  4. Sorry, I forgot to leave my email
    farmermomwife at gmail dot com

  5. I'm concerned that they are getting their information from everywhere but their homes and churches... I think marriage was designed to be the one relationship where sex can be enjoyed as it was meant to be. Bcbartuska at gmail dot com

    1. Becca,
      I agree. The media, television, and even friends are so open in discussing what many times the churches and parents do not discuss as freely.
      Thanks for sharing your concern.

  6. Concerned with the pressure of pornography.

    1. WOW! That is a great concern. One I have too, more so with my son, but even with my daughter as this is not a one sided problem.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Concerned about teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. jennyjbay at yahoo dot com

    1. It does seem like teen pregnancy is the norm now days. Sadly, no one seems to be bothered much with it. But I agree, with you on both counts. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am very concerned about young girls feeling the pressure to have sex as well as the spread of STDs! I am not okay with premarital sex. I am old-fashioned & believe it's worth the wait!

    Andysavi.Mom at gmail dot com

    1. Angela, Thank you for sharing your concerns. I am old fashioned as well! If you study about it, there is so much more tied into casual sex than just sex! Definitely worth the wait!

      And congratulations on being the WINNER!!! I hope this book is a blessing to you and those you share it with.

  9. I am concerned that my daughter will get more information at school or from friends before she is ready rather than at home. That's why we are open about it with her at a younger age. lshumack at gmail dot com

    1. Clair, thank you for sharing that. I am concerned about the same problem having a younger daughter. It is hard to determine at what age they are ready and how much information to give. I am trying to be open too.


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