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A Challenging Perspective on Hospitality

  This book! Wow! What can I say? It's radical, convicting, and pushes you to live completely out of your comfort zone for the sake of the GOSPEL! Rosaria's personal story is a story of Grace - God's grace and a life transformed by the Gospel. She inspires us to practice true hospitality like the Bible commands. She talks about the importance of hospitality, how to use hospitality to share Jesus and the Gospel, and how our lives and those of others should be changed by it. She invites us to reach out, invite in, and love people of all different backgrounds, even those who don't particularly agree with us in lifestyle or otherwise. She propels us to love the sinner, while not condoning the sin. Hospitality - open arms, open table, a welcome to all.  I wish I could put into words how this book inspired me to take a good look at my own life and how I practice hospitality. It made me re-evaluate what I might think hospitality looks like and how to apply it to real life in c...
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Home Made Lovely by Shannon Acheson

  As I mentioned in my previous post , I am reading some books about how to make my home a place of beauty. One of those books is A Home Made Lovely by Shannon Acheson published by Bethany House. This book caught my eye when it became available for review as I am have been looking for ways to improve my home and create a more lovely space to live in.  Our home is not large or fancy as some, but I can't complain as it serves its purpose. Of course, there are times I wish for more space here, or something different there, and I can get discouraged or discontent with what God has given me. However, once I get my perspective back in place - that is - I recall, that God has provided a roof over my head, and a place to live that some would give anything for, I must Give Thanks! In-spite of the condition of my home, I am sure I can create a lovely space, because most of the beauty of a home is in the atmosphere not simply in the style or decor.  Back to the book.... This book i...

My One Word 2021

  BEAUTY Quite a few years ago, I came across a blog post about choosing a word for the year. A word to set as a goal, something to focus on and strive towards. A word that God puts on your heart to bloom and grow in your life.  I tried it, and I liked it! So for several years now, towards the end of the year, I begin thinking and praying about the word God wants for me to focus on during the course of the new year.  This year my word is  BEAUTY I've been reading quite a few books on bringing life and beauty to my home, my family, my own life, and the lives of those around me. I also know God created a world of beauty - perfect in the Garden of Eden, now flawed, but still beautiful.  He also desires to create an inner beauty  in us women  that comes from knowing Him and becoming more like His Son Jesus through cultivating a personal relationship with Him. So, my goal for the year: To create an environment of beauty in my home and ...

52 Weeks of Gratitude - A One Year Journal

In the midst of daily chaos and concerns, readers can infuse spirituality and thankfulness into their lives with this beautiful journal that offers a simple way to lower stress and improve happiness. With its lovely full-color photographs and illustrations, this textured hardcover book is a perfect keepsake. The weekly format offers just the right amount of encouragement to inspire, motivate, and create a grateful heart in all who use its pages to record and reflect on their blessings each week. Get Your Copy Here My Thoughts: I really liked this book from the moment I got it in the mail and opened it. What a nice surprise. It has beautiful pages with pictures of all things cozy and beautiful. It has plenty of room to write and journal, along with ideas of what to journal about. There are four main themes - Home, Community, Faith, Beauty. Each theme has a different category for each week. The weekly categories provide a verse, a short paragraph to think about, reflect and respond to. A...

Awaking Wonder by Sally Clarkson

  Excite your children's imagination and ignite their desire to learn! Help them build a firm foundation for interacting with the world and recognizing the presence of the Creator. Clarkson shares the principles she used to successfully raise four creative, faith-filled kids. She'll help you gain confidence in your parental role as you watch your youngsters blossom. 224 pages, hardcover from Bethany. Meet Sally Clarkson  - the beloved author of multiple bestselling books, including  Own Your Life ,  The Lifegiving Home  with her daughter Sarah,  Desperate  with Sarah Mae, and  Different  with her son Nathan. As a mother of four, she has inspired thousands of women through Whole Heart Ministries and Mom Heart conferences. Sally also encourages many through her website,, and on her popular podcast,  At Home With Sally . Get your Copy HERE

Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable by Dr William H. Marty

  Jesus knew the power of stories to touch people's hearts, so he used parables to teach his followers about the kingdom of God. If you want to know God better, the keys are in the parables. This book provides short studies on every parable in the Bible. You'll learn what God wants us to know from the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, the lost sheep, the talents, the sower, and many more. Each study includes a summary of the parable, the Scripture reference where it can be found, information on the historical and cultural setting, and key points. At the end of each study are questions that open the door to discussion, reflection, or further investigation and help you get to the heart of the parable. A wonderful tool for small groups or to add variety to your personal devotions. Let these studies draw you nearer to God as they enhance your understanding of his Word.

Chasing the Wind - Paula Scott

A beautiful, half-Indian girl raised by the Californios finds her fate intertwined with an American frontiersman haunted by his past in 1850 California. As California comes to statehood amidst the madness of the gold rush, Isabella Vasquez must wed a buckskin-clad American who wins her in a card game. Though their union is passionate, Isabella soon finds herself abandoned in a brothel, where she rises to fame as a singer known as the Bluebird. Yet because of her Indian blood, the Bluebird will always be bought and sold in the white manā€™s world. When more is demanded of the Bluebird than just singing, Isabella flees to Fort Ross in search of her Russian father and her own race of people. Peter Brondi has battled Indians all his life. The last thing he wants is a half-Indian wife. While taming the West with Kit Carson and John C. Fremont, Peter has fought the Mexican War and lost his beloved fiancĆ©e, Maggie, to his half-Indian brother, Paul. To satisfy his fatherā€™s dying wish, Pete...