How would you feel if you inherited a house on a beach made just for you? Oddly enough, it reflected your personality? Would you be excited? What about, if this house came from an uncle you never really met, and this uncle was the family weirdo? Still excited? Well... I'd think that I would be ecstatic... until, maybe living there made feel like I was losing my sanity.
Matthew 16:26
What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life?
This book is INTENSE! There were times I just had to put it down. Micah had so many decisions to make. Sometimes his life was going fine, other times he felt like he was losing it. God tells us there is nothing we can gain that is worth more than our life or our relationship with God. That should always come first. One of the parts of the book that really got to me was the room with the Voice. Micah thought it was his own voice and he would go in and consult the voice, discuss things that were happening etc. The voice would at times confuse him. It would quote Scripture to him but many times with a twist that confused him more than helped. Sometimes he would listen to the voice, other times he wouldn't. I know there have been times in my life, I can relate to that situation. What to do or not to do.... Every decision Micah made affected his life in Cannon Beach or in Seattle. I know I want to always choose GOD, but at times it seems the choice is not always black and white.
I picked this book up at my local library and am being compensated in no way for this review. I just really like this book.
Oh, that sounds like so good. Adding it to my wishlist right now. Great review!