I received this book for review. This post contains a small amount of advertisement.
Is the grass really greener on the other side...Or is this the ultimate illusion?
The first man and woman were closer to God than any other creature on Earth. They had everything they could have ever wanted: healthy, timeless bodies, an endless supply of food and water, and a beautiful garden in which to live and play. Still, they reached for the mirage of MORE.
What is the great illusion that each of us falls prey to in life?
More. More money = more contentment. More things = more satisfaction. More success = more happiness.
Like Adam and Eve, we still reach for the forbidden today. No matter which way we turn, we're tricked into believing that what God has provided isn't enough. And THAT is where the ultimate illusion begins.
Join Master Illusionist Harris III on an unforgettable journey, as he shows you how to:
Expose the lies you have been believing and replace them with life-changing Truth. Unmask the mirage of “more” & discover the secret to joy and contentment.
Stop allowing the deceiver to prevent you from living your life to its fullest.
Stop allowing the deceiver to prevent you from living your life to its fullest.
You'll find this book available on Deeper Shopping, Amazon, CBD, and Barnes and Noble as well as other retailers.
About the Author: (worth the read)
Harris is a master illusionist and communicator who deceives students, and then tells the truth about deception with a commitment to uplift, motivate, and inspire the next generation of leaders.
By combining his unique and award-winning talents in the art of magic and illusion, with his raw, transparent style of story-telling and communication, Harris is able to connect with his audiences in a way that is uniquely his own. But discovering those talents and gaining that experience has certainly been a journey. As a kid growing up in poor family in a small town, Harris has had his own fair share of struggle, failures, and a major dose of bullying.
After receiving a magic set for Christmas from his grandmother at the age of nine and becoming fascinated with illusions, he quickly learned how people trust their senses without questioning what they see, hear, feel and experience. It didn't take long for Harris to realize that seeing is not believing, and that just because someone says something is a good idea, doesn't mean that it is. Even though something might feel good in the moment, doesn't mean it’s a wise decision. He himself quickly became deceived.
After realizing that he had been manipulated by the world around him, and that he had bought the lies that bullies had sold him, Harris set out on a bold mission to use his talents to communicate to students that they do matter, that they are enough, and that if they learn to recognize deception and think for themselves, they can discover life-changing principles, make positive choices, and become leaders who are capable of more than their wildest dreams.
Harris is more than an entertainer, and more than a speaker. He cannot be described…only experienced. To experience Harris live, check out the current programs he offers, and partner with him as soon as possible. Together, we can changes the perspectives and impact the lives of students across America, potentially changing the face of a nation, and in turn, change the world.
Personal Life When he isn’t traveling to be at over 150 events each year, Harris lives in Nashville, TN with his best friend and wife of six years, Kate. When not working on new illusions, reading books on history, leadership, or magic, or studying the latest trends in youth culture and consumption, he can be found spending quality time with family and friends, gathered around a table or camp fire. Due to a slight obsession with amazing culinary experiences, food is always involved.
You can learn more about Harris III by visiting his website Harris III
I received this book courtesy of BookFun.org in exchange for my honest opinion. I am in no way required to give a positive review.
My Thoughts:
I was hooked from the get-go on this book. Of all my years of being a Christian this was probably the most interesting way someone could have described "the illusion of more". Harris speaks volumes in this small book about how easily we are deceived.
He begins by describing the greatest illusion - Fear and the illusionist that is behind it. The "illusion of more" began in the Heavenly Realm where Satan not only chose badly but also convinced many other angels by using his deceptive tricks. Soon after he shows up in the Garden of Eden and continues until this day using illusions to deceive mankind. Satan has only tricks in his magic show. They are always about the illusion of more - what we "need" or "want" at the moment.
"They had everything they could have ever wanted - healthy timeless bodies, an endless supply of food and water, and a beautiful garden in which to play. Still, they reached for the illusion of more."
Satan's biggest illusion is the illusion of fear - fear of loss, failure, and much more. Satan uses the "ashes of despair" to blind our view. "Wherever fear takes root, deception flowers - it is different things to different people. Harris shows that "whatever we value most, is not only where our heart resides but also where fear lives" and the "key to unlocking fear and deception is faith. Christ is our example
I am sure readers will be thrilled with this book. It opened my eyes to see how the enemy works and helped me look at fear from a different perspective. Harris uses many illustrations about how magic works and how our enemy the devil also works to deceive. I highly recommend this book!
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