"The death of my soul is had been a chronicle long in the making, a sad story with seemingly endless encores, each worse than the previous."
This book speaks volumes about pain and suffering, and where God is through it all. It evokes so many indescribable emotions. Often as reading, it brought tears to my eyes and a tightness in my chest. I certainly felt anger! But I also was amazed, at God's goodness, His love, and his relentless pursuit of this man's heart and life.
Levi Shepherd begins his story by saying he was the "surprise gift of a one night stand". As a very young boy he suffered from cancer, was molested by the most unexpected people, and lost the people closest to him - his grandmother and mother. Due to extremely sad circumstances, he ends up in the foster care, being transported from place to place according to what the "system" deemed in his best interest. I can't even begin to get started on the hardships he suffered. As he got older, he learned to "deal" with it. Don't we all? We mask our pain and suffering somehow. We stuff it or hide it, because
living with it maybe not be a choice.
Levi made some good choices, but he also made bad decision upon bad decision. He chose paths of death and destruction. Walked out on those who really loved him, and turned his back on God multiple times.
"Sometimes, though, God waits until all the pieces are out of our hands - broken beyond our ability to repair them, before he puts his masterpiece together."
Thankfully, even though Levi's life contained unimaginable odds - God had an amazing plan for him. Even as Levi is suffering, God is there! He puts people in his life that share God's love with Him. And although, Levi is afraid to trust anyone - even God (and really who can blame him), God continues over and over, to speak to him and woo him to Himself.
This is by far a book I will be sharing with many!! There are countless people who could benefit from Levi's story. Please read it and share it!
This book was made available to me through The Book Club Network in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to review it positively and all opinions are my own.
About the Book:
Levi Shepherd survived pediatric cancer at age 4, only to lose his mother to a cerebral hemorrhage five years later, be placed in the mental wards of hospitals and drugged, bounce around the foster system, be abused by his foster father, and end up homeless. The Army Rangers program gave him a home and structure, but when his chute failed to deploy on his final qualifying jump, his broken body didn’t allow for further service. Desperate for a family unit, Levi entered the gang life, rising to the number two position – defending the leader. Levi was hurtling down a road that could only lead to prison or death.
Except, God.
Shepherd’s miraculous redemption from degradation and darkness is told in his autobiography God and the Rubberband Man: Wrecked by Life. Redeemed by Love (BelieversPress) released January 2015.Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,
About the Author:
Levi Shepherd - A man with a lifetime of struggles in just thirty years. It might be fitting to describe Levi as an old weathered soul, who still holds tight to the hopes and dreams he carried as a child, and he'll fight for them. He now lives in Minnesota where he studies and writes.
Not long ago he began working with a company, where he educates people in self–defense, both in Krav Maga and defensive firearm tactics. Levi is still passionately–blunt about all things God, and politics. Often preferring slang, plain white tee–shirts, and unapologetic free speech over societal norms and political correctness.
You can read more about him and this book or contact him at GodandtheRubberbandMan
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