This book is the second in the Adventures of the Sea Kids series.
Melissa Blowfish likes to brag that she can swim the fastest, climb the highest, and has the best of everything. Corey finds her crying in the sand box with her broken shovel, the only toy she had. They all chip in treasure coins for her birthday present. Melissa prays giving thanks to God for her friends and learns that true friendship is found in love.
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My Thoughts:
This is such a cute book for kids. I read it to my 8yr old daughter and she loved it. As a matter of fact we had to re-read it twice. It has a great message about thankfulness, caring for others, and even loving those that at times are unlovable.
Melissa, a blow fish, does a lot of bragging about things she really doesn't have. This bothers her friend Corey. He goes home and talks to his parents about it. They encourage him to be her friend. One day Corey finds Melissa crying, when he tries to talk to her she sobs that she does not have any of the nice things she has been bragging about. Corey secretly follows her home. What he sees breaks his heart and helps him understand Melissa a little better. Corey takes the problem to Jesus. He thanks God for all His blessings and begins working on a way to help Melissa see how special she is to Jesus too.
I was very impressed with this story. The book is very colorful and well illustrated. I think any child would love to have a copy of this book. It is a great way to teach them to care for others who may not be as well off as they are. There are also other books in the series that I have not read but my interest in them is peaked.
Looks like a cute story with a good message. :-)