My Take:
I am always quite excited when a cute Bible comes up for review. I love God's Word, and I want my children, grandchildren, and all the children to love it to. When I come across a Bible that is especially geared towards children with exciting colorful pages and text that interest them, I get excited too!
And I am excited about this Bible. Maybe it's because my kids love Veggie-Tales! I don't know if you ever get too old for them. (Maybe in public - smile) The first thing they both said when the Bible arrived in the mail was "I want one too!" and "Will you get me one?". Because I had already warned them this Bible was intended for my grandson.
What I like:
- It is easy for a child to read and a full text Bible. (Personally, I like my kids to have a full text Bible when they are old enough to read, verses a story book type)
- It is written in blue print. (Personally, I like the blue, but I have seen other reviewers complain they find this difficult to read - so I guess it's individual taste)
- It has Veggie-Tale stories dispersed throughout on brightly colored pages.
- There are lots of little catchy paragraphs, verses, or other notations like - "Whoa Look At This!", "Remember This!", and "Hey, I Didn't Know That!", and "This Made Me Look Twice!" scattered among the pages with Veggie-Tale Characters to help grab their attention.
- Each book of the Bible has a short introduction telling some key points about it.
- In the back, it has an index, a dictionary, and a place to take notes.
What I didn't like:
Yeah, there's always that one thing....
There are only two so far
- The books of the Bible are not capitalized at the top of the pages. I am not sure why. It's just strange. For a child learning to read, practicing grammar, etc.. I would just think capitalization of names would be important. (I am also a teacher LOL)
- The stories such as Dave and Giant Pickle, Jonah, Daniel, etc.. are not lined up in the same location in the Bible as the passage they are depicting. (But I have found other Bibles to have that same problem, so maybe there is a reason it is done that way)
Overall, I like more than I dislike about it, and I would recommend it. I think my grandson is going to love it!!
I received this Bible from the BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I am not required to review it positively.
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