Nym and Draewulf prepare to face off in a battle destined to destroy more lives than it saves.

With that reality burrowing into her bones—along with the guilt of the lives she will sacrifice—Nym returns to her homeland of Faelen to raise an army of peasants through promises of freedom. But when the few friends she has left, along with the world and citizens she loves, are staring down the face
of a monster and his undead army, will Nym summon every element her blood is capable of controlling . . . or surrender to a different strength—one of sacrifice?
Because in the end, death may be more merciful for them all.
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Mary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80's hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean.
She gets nerdy @ maryweber.com,
FACEBOOK @ marychristineweber,
TWITTER @mchristineweber,
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This is not typically my genre of reading material, so I have not actually read this book. But as I received the book for review, I at least wanted to spot light it and let you know about this author. This is the third book in a trilogy, so you may want to check out all three books if this category is of interest to you. I shared the book with a friend in hopes of maybe getting an opinion, but as of yet she has not had a chance to read it. I think she is planning on reading the trilogy in order. I do hope you will take the time to check out Mary's website, books, and Facebook page if you have the chance.
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